Current courses
Seminar on Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Human Support (RAI4HS) as part of the computer science bachelor and masters at the Goethe- University Frankfurt am Main. 5 ECTS. As part of the EduTech School. ( Summer Semester 2021, Winter Semester 2021).
[more information about this seminar]
Old courses
- Drachsler, H., Di Mitri, D. (2020/21) Seminar Educational Technologies as part of the computer science bachelor and master at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.
- Drachsler, H., Di Mitri, D. (2020/21) Praktikum Educational Technologies as part of the computer science bachelor and master at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.
- Di Mitri, Bromuri, S., Klemke, R. (2020) Human AI Virtual Masterclass. As part of the offer of the Courses of Professional Development of The Open University.