CategoriesDigital learningEducationLearning Pulse

#LAK17 - it's all about multimodality

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The 2017 edition of the Learning Analytics & Knowledge conference beat all the previous records with 344 submissions from 1000 authors and 415 participants, the acceptance rate of the full paper was 34%.

Multimodality is the main focus

The trending topic of #LAK17 is undoubtedly multimodality. Two keynotes out of three Sanna Jarvela and Sydney D'Mello focus on multimodal data for learning. The topic is also reflected in many studies presented during the parallel presentations.

CategoriesDigital learningEducation

Big Data in Education - Learning Outcomes

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The first episode in of Big Data in Education introduced the opportunities arising by programmatically collecting and analysing educational data. The second episode detailed the Dimensions of Education Data, the so-called input space of the Big Data in Education. As anticipated before, this session talks about learning outcomes measurement, or namely how to transform learning performance and assessment indicators to take into account when deploying Big Data techniques in Education.

But if we now know where to collect data, why bother about the output at all? The output space is as important as the input as most of the supervised Big Data techniques consists in model or pattern discovering, through which is possible to perform automatic predictions or classifications.


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CategoriesDigital learningEducation

Big Data in Education - First Episode

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BigDatainEducationLike in many other fields like healthcare, retail, telecommunications and natural science, Big Data and Analytics have become a new hype in Education and Learning under the umbrella name of "Learning Analytics". As technology becomes ubiquitous and more accessible, as most of  the learning time is now spent on Massive Online Open Courses, vast quantities of data are continuously generated and stored in IT systems. These data offer unprecedented opportunities for researchers to analyse and understand several different aspects of learning and education. This data-driven approach is shaking the traditional paradigms of educational research.

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CategoriesDigital learningEducation

Kinvolved - Big Brother is NOT a solution


Today we give a closer look at the app Kinvolved, a mobile application developed in the U.S. in 2012 to address the great challenge of Early School Leavers. Kinvolved is a mobile application for teachers which allows to have closer communication with students' families compared to the traditional way. Among its features it tracks student attendance, sends real-time SMS or emails to their families, it gathers data student attendance at school and relate them with graduation rates.

Attendance is the key indicator of graduation. Research shows that effective family engagement leads to increased student achievement, reduced absenteeism, and higher graduation rates (source: Kinvolved)