CategoriesDigital learning

Digital Learning and Media Literacy - #LLLWeek16

digital-learning-headerDuring the Lifelong Learning Week 2016 organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform, the second Digital Learning working group meeting took place at MundoJ, bringing representatives of the European Commission, Digital Europe and a number of other NGOs to discuss and share experience on the topic of Digital Learning. The objective of this discussion was to find a common ground and find possible project ideas. I was asked to make an introduction and overview on the topic: this was my contribution.


When talking about - digital - technology in education people seem polarised between two opposite standpoints. On one side there are the cyber-optimists who believe that technology is the quick-fix for all the problems education is facing in 21st Century. On the other side, the cyber-frightened who perceive technology as highly dangerous and rather prefer to stick to the traditional practices that are widely tested and recognised.