
Pitch session: Learning with Machines

On the 14th December 2017, during the (y)OUr day organised by the Open Universiteit I was invited to prepare a pitch of 3 minutes about my research. Here is what I said.

My name is Daniele Di Mitri and I am PhD candidate at the TELI department of the Welten institute. My field of research is learning analytics. The Open Universiteit is a distance university that provides its education online. With Learning Analytics it is possible to collect the user-interaction events, analyse these data and provide more personalisation opportunities to the students.

CategoriesDigital learningEducationLearning Pulse

#LAK17 - it's all about multimodality

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The 2017 edition of the Learning Analytics & Knowledge conference beat all the previous records with 344 submissions from 1000 authors and 415 participants, the acceptance rate of the full paper was 34%.

Multimodality is the main focus

The trending topic of #LAK17 is undoubtedly multimodality. Two keynotes out of three Sanna Jarvela and Sydney D'Mello focus on multimodal data for learning. The topic is also reflected in many studies presented during the parallel presentations.