Here is the digital #FishBowl: a new perspective for Lifelong Learning #LLLPAC17
— LLLPlatform (@lllplatform) June 1, 2017
In the beautiful hall of Tallinna Ülikool took place the annual conference of the Lifelong Learning Platform <Education in the Digital World> a flipped e-discussion taking place also on Twitter with the #LLLPAC17 hashtag.
The digital Fishbowl gathered Civil Society representatives of European NGOs active in the Lifelong learning field and was coordinated by the Lifelong Learning Platform.
The Fishbowl touched upon the most burning issues around Digital Technologies in Education like neutrality, handwriting vs keyboard, BYOD and GAFAM.
The 6 following statements were opened for contribution f2f and online to ALL the fishbowl participants.
1. Net Neutrality
Digital tools are not neutral. Freedom of expression and inclusion must be quality principles that should be safeguarded. Careful evaluation of digital tools must be ensured. There should be space for innovation, but careful evaluation should always follow. Inclusive pedagogical principles must be followed, sometimes at of cost of sensational digital technologies. Freedom of teaching must be ensured in all the learning settings, but this can only happen through periodic teacher training.
DGFSHBWL. #1 Digital technologies in Education are neutral since they can foster both inclusion or exclusioon. #LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
#LLLPAC17 Exclusion /inclusion Can we dream? And consider that technology has to be at service of citizens? we need strong social commitment
— david lopez (@dlopez39) June 1, 2017
#LLLPAC17 fishball method. Neutrality of digital world. Agree with idea of importance of actors. Education is never neutral
— david lopez (@dlopez39) June 1, 2017
2. Non-formal Education
DGFSHBWL. #2 Formal education institutions can learn a lot from NFE providers about using digital technologies in a formative way. #LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
Mobility is the way for youth to have a voice #mobility #youth #LLLPAC17
— ESN Estonia (@ESNEstonia) June 1, 2017
Do we really need FORMAL education systems in the future? #lllpac17
— Mika Ukkonen (@mikethun) June 1, 2017
Answering though questions here: is formal education going to be needed on the future? 😓#LLLPAC17
— Andrea Lapeña (@andrelapegna) June 1, 2017
No walls, this our conference is a kind of course or learning environment itself. #lllpac17
— Mika Ukkonen (@mikethun) June 1, 2017
3. GAFAM influence
"GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) are trying to impose their standards in Education" Excerpt of the upcoming paper of the Lifelong Learning Platform
DGFSHBWL. #3 By programmatically using Google services in schools there is a risk of opening up education to digital speculations #LLLPAC 17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
Opening up education to corporations might foster the risk of digital speculation...How big of a risk is it? What can we do?#LLLPAC17
— LLLPlatform (@lllplatform) June 1, 2017
So #LLLPAC17 fishbowl, let's move to
— Steven Stegers (@StevenStegers) June 1, 2017
We are having a lively open debate on the opportunities & challenges of digital education. Give your opinion on #LLLPAC17
— Pieter Baeten (@BaetenPieter) June 1, 2017
4. Handwriting
Many news agencies reported that in Finland handwriting skills will be replaced by keyboard skills. This is however not completely true. Handwriting are still strong part of the curricula. But proficency in digital writing is also discussed.
DGFSHBWL. #4 Finnish schools have decided to replace handwriting skills with keyboard skills. #LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
Keyboard #skills vs handwriting: why is it (still) important to have one over another? #LLLPAC17
— LLLPlatform (@lllplatform) June 1, 2017
The Finnish education revolution is not happening the way you read about it. Don't trust the media says @leopekkala #LLLPAC17 @lllplatform
— Gina Ebner (@gina_ebner) June 1, 2017
5. Bring Your Own Device
The Estonian government openly promotes the Bring Your Own Device approach. Families are required to provide learners with mobile devices. Local government must support the inclusion of learners with weak social backgrounds. Schools and educators should provide content which can be run on mobile phones primarily. This approach is different in Finland, where the government has sufficient funds to provide all students with a learning device. The justification is that BYOD is a discriminating policy because as it favours social competition and bullying.
DGFSHBWL. #5 If schools can’t afford laptops for every kid, BYOD is the solution. #LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
Yes to BYOD (bring your own device) in education, but we need equitable measures as it is there for all other things for school #LLLPAC17
— Eszter Salamon (@ESalamon) June 1, 2017
6. Early use of technology
Many educators are warning about the risks of the use of digital tools in the early childhood. Some schools are implementing policy of technological abstention in primary schools.
DGFSHBWL. #6 In modern times digital technologies must be introduced since very early stages in life. #LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017
What about the impact of digital technology on learners wellbeing? #LLLPAC17
— Brikena Xhomaqi (@BrikenaXhomaqi) June 1, 2017
The Lifelong Learning Platform will soon publish a position paper of the civil society views on the use of digital technology in lifelearning.
Time to wrap up! @dlopez39 draws the line for the @lllplatform Annual conference! #LLLPAC17
— LLLPlatform (@lllplatform) June 1, 2017
I am really happy to have moderated the fishbowl at Education in Digital Worls, great success!#LLLPAC17
— Daniele Di Mitri ⏩️🦣 (@dimstudi0) June 1, 2017