CategoriesConference article

New paper: A Human-centric Approach to Explain Evolving Data

A recent study led by my colleague Gabriella Casalino at the University of Bari highlights the importance of transparency and explainability in Machine Learning models used in educational environments. 

As we embrace this technological shift driven by AI in education, it is imperative to address the ethical considerations surrounding AI applications in educational settings. A recent study has underscored the critical importance of transparency and explainability in machine learning models utilized in educational environments.

At the forefront of this study is the introduction of DISSFCM, a dynamic incremental classification algorithm that harnesses the power of fuzzy logic to analyze and interpret students' interactions within learning platforms; by offering human-centric explanations, the research endeavours to deepen stakeholders' understanding of how AI models arrive at decisions in educational contexts.

One of the key strengths of the DISSFCM algorithm lies in its adaptability. It dynamically adjusts its model in response to changes in data, ensuring resilience and reliability in educational data analytics. This adaptability enhances the algorithm's performance and instills confidence in the insights derived from educational data.

Transparency and ethical standards are paramount in AI practices, particularly in educational settings. We can build trust and ensure fairness in deploying educational technologies by upholding these principles. The study sheds light on the evolving landscape of AI integration in education and emphasizes the pivotal role of explainable AI in fostering trust and understanding among stakeholders.

As we navigate the intersection of AI and education, prioritizing transparency and explainability will be instrumental in shaping a future where technology enhances learning experiences while upholding ethical standards. By embracing these principles, we can pave the way for a more transparent and accountable educational ecosystem powered by AI.

Reference to the article: 

G. Casalino, G. Castellano, D. Di Mitri, K. Kaczmarek-Majer and G. Zaza, "A Human-centric Approach to Explain Evolving Data: A Case Study on Education," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Madrid, Spain, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/EAIS58494.2024.10569098.

The paper also got an award at the EAIS conference. 

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CategoriesCall for Proposals

CfP CROSSMMLA @ LAK 2023 Workshop

Call for Papers: CROSSMMLA @ LAK 2023 Workshop: Leveraging Multimodal Data for Generating Meaningful Feedback

To be held face-to-face on March 13, 2023, in Arlington, Texas, United States, in conjunction with the LAK 2023 conference.

The CROSSMMLA workshop series has focused on collecting and analysing multimodal data across the physical and virtual spaces for understanding and optimising learning processes. 

CategoriesCall for ProposalsSummer schools


The Sixteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2020
May 23-30, 2020  | Sani, Halkidiki, Greece

We are pleased to announce the 16th EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS) that will take place from May 23-30, 2020 at Sani, Halkidiki, Greece. The summer school is organised by the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning - EATEL (


Week in Macau for #IJCAI2019


Last week I was off to Macau, China for attending IJCAI 2019 one of the world top level conferences in Artificial Intelligence. In particular, I was invited to submit and attend the pre-conference workshop AI & Multimodal Analytics for Education (AIMA4EDU). I also attended another workshop on Human Activity Recognition, a Tutorial on TensorFlow2.0 and some the main conference presentations.