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Using Accessible Motion Capture in Educational Games for Sign Language Learning

A new publication will be presented at the EC-TEL conference in 2023 in Aveiro, Portugal. 

"Using Accessible Motion Capture in Educational Games for Sign Language Learning"

Various studies show that multimodal interaction technologies, especially motion capture in educational environments, can significantly improve and support educational purposes such as language learning. In this paper, we introduce a prototype that implements finger tracking and teaches the user different letters of the German fingerspelling alphabet. Since most options for tracking a user’s movements rely on hardware that is not commonly available, a particular focus is laid on the opportunities of new technologies based on computer vision. These achieve accurate tracking with consumer webcams. In this study, the motion capture is based on Google MediaPipe. An evaluation based on user feedback shows that the prototype’s capabilities meet the functional requirements. This study corroborates the thesis that new technologies, such as motion-tracking-based software, can make language learning more accessible.

Published by Daniele Di Mitri

Daniele Di Mitri is a research group leader at the DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and a lecturer at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. Daniele received his PhD entitled "The Multimodal Tutor" at the Open University of The Netherlands (2020) in Learning Analytics and wearable sensor support. His research focuses on collecting and analysing multimodal data during physical interactions for automatic feedback and human behaviour analysis. Daniele's current research focuses on designing responsible Artificial Intelligence applications for education and human support. He is a "Johanna Quandt Young Academy" fellow and was elected "AI Newcomer 2021" at the KI Camp by the German Informatics Society. He is a member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence journal, a member of the CrossMMLA, a special interest group of the Society of Learning Analytics Research, and chair of the Learning Analytics Hackathon (LAKathon) series.

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