CategoriesDigital learningEvents

HACK@LAK18 Call for Proposals

Call For Proposals (

The Hack@LAK18 is a pre-conference workshop of the 8th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK). It is the fourth in the series of Hackathons held at LAK, where we encourage a hands-on approach to combining novel data sources in a realistic infrastructure for the benefit of Learning. The approach is multi-disciplinary, reviewed from all angles, self-organising and team building. Anyone is welcome to participate as long as they are motivated to be politely critical and work towards and expand common objectives.

Please feel free to bring along your research questions, datasets and methodologies to the workshop for incorporation in the multidisciplinary activities. If you would like to suggest open research questions that you think should be addressed at the event, then please see our Call for Proposals which is open until December 18. However, you don’t have to have submitted a proposal in order to participate!

The event itself will take place on March 5-9, 2018 in Sydney, Australia.


Purpose Pyramid for Multimodal Data

Purpose Pyramid of Multimodal Data - (cc) Daniele Di Mitri
Purpose Pyramid of Multimodal Data - (cc) Daniele Di Mitri

Originally posted in
Last week the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (#ECTEL2017) took place in Tallinn University with an overarching theme: "data-driven approaches in education". This year's conference focused on the role of data and learning analytics as means for deciphering and improving learning and teaching practices.

CategoriesDigital learningEducationLearning Pulse

#LAK17 - it's all about multimodality

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The 2017 edition of the Learning Analytics & Knowledge conference beat all the previous records with 344 submissions from 1000 authors and 415 participants, the acceptance rate of the full paper was 34%.

Multimodality is the main focus

The trending topic of #LAK17 is undoubtedly multimodality. Two keynotes out of three Sanna Jarvela and Sydney D'Mello focus on multimodal data for learning. The topic is also reflected in many studies presented during the parallel presentations.

CategoriesDigital learningEducation

Big Data in Education - First Episode

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BigDatainEducationLike in many other fields like healthcare, retail, telecommunications and natural science, Big Data and Analytics have become a new hype in Education and Learning under the umbrella name of "Learning Analytics". As technology becomes ubiquitous and more accessible, as most of  the learning time is now spent on Massive Online Open Courses, vast quantities of data are continuously generated and stored in IT systems. These data offer unprecedented opportunities for researchers to analyse and understand several different aspects of learning and education. This data-driven approach is shaking the traditional paradigms of educational research.

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